Creating a Lifestyle Brand
Heavy Hitters was more than a cannabis brand. It was tapping into a culture that longed to be seen as original, non-conformist, and authentic. What better way to help Heavy Hitters fans show their true colors than by giving them subtle, artistic wearables that they could use to badge themselves.
We launched a wearables shop to engage with our fans who were asking how they could show their support for their favorite brand. We started with T-shirts and quickly expanded to hoodies, hats and even socks which were so popular we could not keep in stock! Snoop Dogg loved our socks so much that we gifted him a pair for every day of the week.
We engaged with our fans and continuously asked them what they wanted to see from Heavy Hitters on the shop. We extended into housewares, slide sandals and backpacks. We even created branded face masks for Coachella 2019 (waaaaay before face masks became the hot item for brands to co-op).
Our primary push was through social media, where our fans found out about most of the brand announcements. Additionally, we gifted wearables to influencers who love the brand and seeded the products to employees at retail shops who carry the brand. These employees were some of our biggest advocates and acted as influencers in their own right to their customers in-person and online.
With a limited-release strategy, we created demand from the idea of scarcity (plus, no leftover inventory!)